
Over 70 Experts and Young Talents – One Goal: Innovation

Our Aucos team is made up of more than 70 individual experts and young talents.

Our team is distinguished through its extraordinary variety, which embodies the very heart of Aucos. In addition to a large number of electrical engineers, the team is complemented by mechanical engineers, chemists and automation experts making it particularly strong in the area of interdisciplinary problem-solving. Aucos provides solutions from a single source, offering individual solutions from electrical installations through to the construction of control cabinets, integration of control systems, production of control computers, all the way up to corporate communication (ERP).


Management Board
Project Management
Production Georg Bertram
Production Martin Dambietz
Production Jörg Dohmen
Production Michael Felten
Production Christoph Fest
Production Frank Fuders
Production Peter Herkenrath
Production Iheb Kebaier
Production Rainer Koch
Production Henner Kollmann
Production Egbert König
Production Peter Kotthaus
Production Alexander Krupa
Production Peter Lüngen
Production Jürgen Mannheims
Production Hartmut Matzke
Production Aleksander Matzke
Production Jürgen Meisen
Production Peter Mierau
Production Werner Mohr
Production Melissa Pinger
Production Stefan Rensing
Production Tobias Reuen
Production Wolfgang Richartz
Production Wladimir Schaschkin
Production Winfried Schnell
Production Stephan Schöbben
Production Ulrich Schünemann
Production Sarah Spöhrer
Production Tobias Stiller
Production Georg Bertram
Production Martin Dambietz
Production Jörg Dohmen
Production Michael Felten
Production Christoph Fest
Production Frank Fuders
Production Peter Herkenrath
Production Iheb Kebaier
Production Rainer Koch
Production Henner Kollmann
Production Egbert König
Production Peter Kotthaus
Production Alexander Krupa
Production Peter Lüngen
Production Jürgen Mannheims
Production Hartmut Matzke
Production Aleksander Matzke
Production Jürgen Meisen
Production Peter Mierau
Production Werner Mohr
Production Melissa Pinger
Production Stefan Rensing
Production Tobias Reuen
Production Wolfgang Richartz
Production Wladimir Schaschkin
Production Winfried Schnell
Production Stephan Schöbben
Production Ulrich Schünemann
Production Sarah Spöhrer
Production Tobias Stiller
Research & Development
Technology Solutions
Head of Administration Patrick Frisch
Administration Sebastian Jacobs
Administration Nam Nguyen
Administration Sabine Oleff
Administration Melanie Pelstring-Jouhsen
Administration Ulrike Smeets-Offermanns
Head of Administration Nuray Tezer
Aucos International
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